When camping, you can find yourself in a number of situations you wouldn't otherwise be exposed to. For example, you may be cooking outdoors on an open fire, sleeping in a wooded area or spending the majority of your day exposed to the elements. You should always pack a first aid kit when heading off on a camping adventure, but aside from the usual painkillers, plasters and antibacterial wipes, do you know what to include in your kit? When packing your first aid kit, try to cover every scenario you could find yourself in and list what you may need should you suffer a camping injury. Here are a few first aid kit items you should always have on-hand when camping:

Antibiotic Cream

A scratch from a thorny bush or an exposed cut may not seem serious, but when you're camping you'll often have limited access to washing facilities and increased exposure to dirt. This puts you at risk of developing an infection at the site of the injury, which can cause you to develop a fever and lead to sepsis if left untreated. Opt for a cream that contains a few types of antibiotics to cover a broad spectrum of bacterial infections. Your pharmacist can recommend a brand best suited to your needs.

Saline Solution

Carrying a bottle of saline solution or a few individual use sachets allows you to wash dirt out of an injury right away. Saline is also useful for rinsing out your eyes if you get ashes from the campfire in them. Saline in a squirt bottle can also be used as a nasal wash to clear out debris and mucus and flush out allergens, such as pollen.


Tweezers may not seem like an essential piece of kit, but they don't take up much room and are necessary for removing wood splinters and thorns. They can also be used to remove the remains of ticks that have buried into your skin. Removing the head of the tick with your tweezers minimises the risk of developing a tick-borne illness, such as Lyme disease. Opt for stainless steel tweezers, which are not prone to rust, and always clean your tweezers before use.

These are just a few suggestions of essential first aid kit items for a camping trip. Buying a first aid kit is one thing, but you'll also need to know how to use it. Your pharmacist can show you a few basics, and you can sign up for a first aid course to learn resuscitation techniques, how to use bandages and what to do if someone is unconscious.  
